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Sam Lawler, Deputy Director Strategy, Analysis and Reform, CDDO

Transforming for a Digital Future - latest update

photo taken from Government Digital and Data event, presenter on stage with audience

For the past two years, teams across government have been making great strides in digital delivery, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and fixing the foundations of data and legacy that will enable us to transform at scale...

Transforming for a Digital Future - one year update (part 2)

Infographic outlining the 3 outcomes of the digital transformation strategy

A year on from the launch of the Transforming for a Digital Future strategy, Sam Lawler, Deputy Director, Strategy, Analysis and Reform at CDDO shares a second blog on how government is undertaking digital transformation and the progress made so far.

Setting the digital function up for success with a new Digital Functional Standard

Graphic image - abstract blue shapes

CDDO has worked with experts and digital leaders from across government to develop the newly published Functional Standard for the Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) function. Read about why we are publishing a new standard and how it was developed.

Our Technical Cloud Community is blooming

photo of four panelists and a presenter at the GovNet conference - blue blackdrop and screen with graph demonstrating rise in Cloud use.

Our cross-government Cloud community is helping us make the right decisions about Cloud: Which Cloud? Private or Public? Managed service? Infrastructure as code? In this blog Phil Chatterton, Chief Enterprise Architect shares his thoughts on what next.