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This blog post was published under the 2015-2024 Conservative Administration

Crafting impactful narratives: unveiling service excellence through storytelling

An image of an open book with illustrations on the pages depicting graphs, people, cloud and airplane

The art of Service Assessment storytelling

Mission Six of the government's digital roadmap highlights a system that unlocks digital transformation, and service assessments are key to delivering just that. They are a critical aspect of the Government Digital and Data landscape, providing teams across government with the opportunity to showcase their progress and innovations.

Assessments give an independent evaluation of your work and your service, and so there’s a limited amount of time to get your story across. I see a number of assessments falter because teams aren’t able to tell their story succinctly. Much like crafting a compelling narrative in literature, effective storytelling in service assessments involves several key elements and here are my top tips for service teams.

Once upon a time…

In any great story, the audience needs to quickly understand the purpose from the outset. This involves setting the stage, establishing context, and ensuring that everyone in the room understands the journey ahead. Similarly, teams need to clearly articulate the goals and objectives of their service improvements during assessments. In essence, be really transparent in what you are doing and why.

Successful storytelling during service assessments often begins by outlining the challenges they faced, creating a relatable narrative that resonates with stakeholders. This clarity of purpose forms the foundation for a compelling story that unfolds throughout the assessment.

Evidence-building along the journey: a continuous endeavour

In the fast-paced world of Government Digital and Data, evidence-building should be a continuous, parallel endeavour. Infusing your narrative with real-time evidence, you not only ensure a seamless assessment but also creates a compelling story that resonates with stakeholders. This approach not only aligns with effective storytelling principles but also sets the stage for ongoing success in the dynamic landscape of CDDO.

Teams that excel in service assessments are those that weave their narrative into the fabric of service development from the start. By starting the storytelling process early in the service creation phase and iteratively refining it as they progress, these teams create a seamless and authentic representation of their service’s evolution. This proactive approach fosters transparency, accountability and a comprehensive understanding of the service’s journey, negating the need for last minute preparation and aligning effortlessly with the service standards.

User-centric approach: bringing the audience into focus

In the grand narrative of service assessments, it's crucial to shift the spotlight onto the users. Highlighting the needs, experiences, and feedback from end-users adds a layer of empathy and relevance to the storytelling process. Successful teams go beyond technical details to share stories of how their improvements directly impact and enhance the user experience.

Character development: spotlight on team dynamics

Just as a well-rounded character adds depth to a story, the dynamics within a team can greatly enhance the narrative during service assessments. Highlighting the unique strengths of team members, their roles, and collaborative efforts fosters a sense of connection with the audience.

Teams that effectively communicate their story often weave in anecdotes about how individual team members overcame challenges, showcasing resilience and adaptability. This not only humanises the technical journey but also emphasises the collective effort that drives success in the Government Digital and Data space.

Conflict and resolution: addressing challenges head-on

No story is complete without conflict, and the same holds true for service assessments. Teams that talk openly about their challenges, setbacks and how they have addressed them demonstrates a level of transparency that is both commendable and essential for improvement.

During assessments, successful teams don't shy away from discussing the hurdles they encountered. Instead, they provide a narrative arc that includes the conflicts faced, the strategies employed to overcome them, and the eventual resolution. This not only adds authenticity to the story but also showcases the team's problem-solving prowess.

Plot twists: embracing iteration and adaptability

In the world of Government, Digital and Data, where technology evolves at a rapid pace, innovation is a constant. Effective storytelling during service assessments includes highlighting the plot twists - iteration, moments of innovation, unexpected turns, and adaptability, in the face of evolving requirements is crucial.

Emphasising the importance of iteration in the narrative underscores the team's commitment to refining and improving their processes continuously. Discussing how each iteration builds upon the lessons learned from previous cycles adds depth to the story, portraying a team that not only embraces change but thrives on it.


As the CDDO Improvements and Support Manager, I am inspired by teams mastering storytelling during service assessments. The transition from an English teacher to a manager in the world of continuous delivery and DevOps has been seamless, with effective storytelling proving to be a universal language.

In conclusion, the success of teams in service assessments lies not just in the technologies implemented but in how they narrate their journey. Clarity of purpose, character development, addressing conflicts, and embracing innovation are integral components of a narrative that captivates stakeholders. Real-time evidence building is a continuous thread weaving through challenges, triumphs and innovations.

As I continue to learn and grow, I’m reminded that compelling storytelling, enriched by real-time evidence, transcends disciplines. It connects education and technology in enriching ways, leaving a lasting impact on the ever-evolving stage of Government Digital and Data. The story isn't just about what we've done; it's about how we've done it- adapting and evolving in a landscape where success is an ongoing journey.

What can I do?

If you are part of a service team, share this post with your team and discuss what kind of story you want to tell.

Suggested further reading: telling the story of your project using The Tiger who came to Tea

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